XQTD is a multi disciplinary firm specialized in a variety of design sectors which include custom building design, prefabricated building design, furniture design, product design and garment design.
We are active in three continents with contacts in US, Europe and Asia.
XQTD stands for Extreme Quest for Technology and Design....executed; our problem solving approach always includes a conscious and organic research leading to the simplest solution in pioneering design while making use of proven technologies. Every project sets apart from the rest for integrity and conceptualization, and promotes sophisticated ideas broken down by a simple and logical approach; and enjoyable and poetic problem solving process streamlined into shapes and forms born out of pure rational thinking.
XQTD inventiveness is driven by a tormenting desire to improve anything in the built environment with realistic parameters and concrete execution.

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  • Strandhouse Strandbar Manhattan Beach
  • Strandhouse Strandbar Manhattan Beach
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